Monday, April 11, 2011

where to start...

I seriously don't know how many etiquette and/or just plain common sense rules this breaks, ridiculous albeit ballsy request notwithstanding. Of course I changed the student's name; you'll have to trust me (I am a linguist after all) that the new version is an accurate depiction of the syntax, nuance, language level, and utter stupidity of the original.

From: student
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 10:54:46
To: me
Subject: important 1 
i just emailed one of the girls in the class and was told we have both a quiz and a compo and i was wondering if there is any way that i can take it tomorrow in the morning?
~!*Sweetie P Simpson*!~

By the way, every email I got from this student all semester was marked "important," and included the cutesy moniker.

Hmmm. Apparently not important enough to sign off like a real person.

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