Saturday, October 22, 2011

For the kabillionth time: SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?

Open-book quiz, 2/3 of which was taken DIRECTLY from the fucking 112 online stuff that they were supposed to have done last night and I still get 3 different people coming up to the desk not knowing what to do and asking those questions there should be a sniglet for, the ones where they basically are asking what they are supposed to do but you can’t explain it any better than you already did in the directions without actually giving them the answers or basically re-teaching the lesson in condensed form.

And again, HOSTILE GLARES when I tell them, “I’m sorry I can’t answer that without giving you the answers; look at the guidelines in the book and do the best you can,” because OBVIOUSLY it’s my fucking fault if they don’t know how to use the stuff we went over yesterday and that they were supposed to do for homework last night and that the syllabus clearly told them would be on the quiz today (and incidentally will be on the test in two days).

And of course these reactions came from people who have never shown their face in my office hours or even emailed me or told me in class that they needed help...

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