Yet another 212 person who just wrote me (note: chapter
test is TODAY) that “none of the activities have dates on the online workbook – how
do we know when homework will be due?”
Sidenote: Course plan has weekly reminders that online workbook activities are due nearly every class day as well as a description of the ridiculously simple procedure for activating one's account and finding one's instructor's sections (due dates do not show for people who have yet to join a class section on the workbook).
Side sidenote: We have already completed 2.5 chapters' of workbook, meaning that apparently this person (the second in as many weeks) doesn't bother looking at the WebCT gradebook or else just isn't curious about the 0's she has under "Workbook" so far.
I hear you readers who think I should have written such students to let them know they aren't getting credit so far on the workbook and do they need any help, etc.... In response, I say that I have to draw the line somewhere. If I reminded them about things they are responsible for and which they are capable of seeing on their own in the first place I would never get any of my own work done, plus I'm still firmly convinced that would just prove to them that there is no reason to be responsible since people will cover your ass for you anyway.
And yes, there is the argument that despite the actions of people like me who persist in trying to get these people to shape up, they simply Are Not Shaping Up And Never Will and one day we will be forced to give up. All I can say is I hope so very fervently that I've found something else to do with my life in the meantime. Preferably something where I'm never coming in contact with anything life- or livelihood- threatening since the whole of society and government and, more importantly, air travel and the military, will be run by these lamos by then.
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