Wednesday, March 09, 2011

I dare you to try to have fun

Stupid 2nd years of course – I gave them their composition assignment (we just read Petit Nicolas chapter where he talks about the soccer game raté) which was to describe a game they participated in when they were little... I told them they could write it and just describe it as usual or if they wrote from the perspective of a child, they could have EC...

400 million questions later b/c that is SUCH a fucking complicated idea. "Well do we still write in past tense then? Well do we pretend it happened yesterday or when? Why can’t we write in present? and the fave (absolutely true): How can it be from a child’s perspective if we’re adults? 

I finally broke into English and said this, verbatim:

“Oh I don’t know, it might end up ... oh, ... like a certain gigantic French text we just read which was of course written by adults, too.” (BESTEST sarcastic voice!)

What I should have done was just erase the fucking option from the board. Fucking hell.

Needless to say when I asked the perfunctory “vous avez aimé la lecture?” (Did you like the reading?) Every Single Person I called on either said “c’était long” (It was long) or if REALLY pressed for an opinion “comme ci comme ça” (so-so).

And this is the GOOD class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so fucking sick of this fucking shit I could fucking scream. I have no idea how I’ll last another couple of years til my bank statement or the economy is better.

Putain de merde.

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